What it means.

I'll admit - some days.... most days I strive for perfection.

I want everything to go exactly as I have it planned out in my head. I need to be my very best, reach my potential, give it my all; I need to be perfect, my kind of perfect. That's just me.

There's this thing where Christians are perceived to be perfect people who are always happy and know what they're doing. I've heard people say it, and sometimes I even think of Christianity that way myself. It's so easy to let being holy get to your head. It's so easy to get caught up in trying to be perfect for all the wrong reasons.

No one's perfect. The thing about Christians is that we're sinners just like everyone else. We have problems, we struggle, we fall, we fail. We hate people, we murder, we make mistakes - we're human. Becoming a Christian isn't about becoming some faultless saint who will never face another problem in their life again. It's about recognizing that we're imperfect, acknowledging the fact that we are helpless humans living in a dark and cruel world, that in and of ourselves we are capable of doing evil things; however, we are also capable of doing good.

For we were created for good, we were created for good intentions and to do good things. But because of our selfish desires, a gap was created between man and God. And it was only through the sacrificial death of an innocent man, the Son of God, that we are able to even define ourselves as saints.

I, myself, forget that being Christian doesn't mean I'm happy all the time. It doesn't mean I won't encounter problems, it doesn't mean my life will be perfect. What I need to remind myself of, what we need to remind ourselves of, is that even though our circumstances suck - we may be in debt, we may be in a crappy relationship, we may be failing our classes - we have something that gives us hope, assurance, everlasting life. That something is salvation through Jesus Christ. And we don't have it because we've earned it, there's nothing we can do to earn it, but it was given to us by God's grace, mercy and unconditional love. And it's through complete submission to his control that I have been able to experience fulfillment and joy in Jesus.

Joy in Christ is everlasting. It doesn't run dry; it satisfies; it's more than enough. 
I'm telling you - try to wrap your head around this:
God loves you despite your faults, despite your imperfection. He loves you even if you struggle to love yourself. He's given you the freedom to do what you want, He's given you a choice to either choose death or life. He sent his Son to die on the Cross, pouring all his wrath out on him, so you'd be able to reconcile with Him. He's never stopped loving you, He's had plans for you from the very beginning, even before time began. He's infinite, he's Almighty - and He's your Father.

When you live with that Truth in mind, and I mean constantly in mind, you'll never be the same. The Gospel isn't a made-up story. It's life-changing. It's changed mine and continues to change mine.

Someone loves you just as you are. He knows everything about you, he made you, and he's calling you to him. You don't have to change for him to love you, you don't have to do anything but accept his love. Once you have his love in your heart, once it embodies your entire life, you'll never be the same. You may face the same problems, you may face the same struggles, but the difference is that you'll have a power within you that was strong enough to overcome death itself - and that can assure you that you'll overcome like never before; that you're not alone; and that God has a bigger and better plan for you. Your reward is in heaven.

Now tell me, why wouldn't you want that?

Once you were dead, doomed forever because of your many sins. You used to live just like the rest of the world, full of sin, obeying Satan, the mighty prince of the power of the air. He is the spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey God. All of us used to live that way, following the passions and desires of our evil nature. We were born with an evil nature, and we were under God's anger just like everyone else.

But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so very much, that even while we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God's special favor that you have been saved!) For he raised us from the dead along with Christ, and we are seated with him in the heavenly realms - all because we are one with Christ Jesus. And so God can always point to us as examples of the incredible wealth of his favor and kindness toward us, as shown in all he has done for us through Christ Jesus.
God saved you by his special favor when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
- Ephesians 2:1-10


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