Jesus loves me?

Sometimes we need to be reminded of the truth, because in a world where we are targets for deception and disappointment, it's important that we can discern what is and what isn't.

So maybe I've been watching too much HIMYM lately and Ted's whole narrative revelation voice is getting to me, but I'm tired of studying and I need to talk to myself again.

I have a three-year-old nephew who likes to sing a lot, and recently he learned the familiar childhood tune:
Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong; they are weak, but He is strong!
Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. 
Yes, Jesus loves me - the Bible tells me so.

Now, if we were to take apart this song, and try to separate the lyrics from the image we have in our heads of a bunch of little kids in 'church clothes' singing (okay, maybe that's just my head), we're on to something.

Jesus loves me - and I have proof! It says it in the Bible, the word of God, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. It's such a simple line - This I know, for the Bible tells me so. Of course, it can get a bit tedious and redundant trying to unpack such a straightforward lyric, but it's the fact that its so straightforward that we often overlook the beauty of its truth. We didn't need to have some supernatural revelation to figure this out; we didn't need to follow a 10-step guideline for it to be true. We didn't have to look far, we didn't have to search for this truth - God had it all written out for us, in plain human language, so we could truly see that we are loved. I guess it kind of shows, too, that we didn't have to come to Christ, we didn't have to do anything for him to love us; he just does because He is love

We belong to him. We are his most beautiful and prized creation, made in his own image, and because it pleased him to create us. We are so weak and helpless without him. We see it in the world, people without God are hopeless. Yet, as his people who recognize that we are weak, we know that He is stronger. His power is made perfect in our weaknesses; it is when we realize we are in need of Him and ask for his providence that we are made strong through him.

So she writes, 'Yes, Jesus loves me', not just once or twice, but three times, consecutively. Maybe she had a point in doing that. It's something we need to drill into our heads, something worth remembering. Like I said in the beginning, Satan loves pulling God's people away from Him; he loves tempting us and deceiving us, and sometimes we make it so easy! We don't fill our minds with enough truth to know how to confront falsehood when we need to. So we allow pain, and suffering, and disappointment, and lies to cloud our mind and prevent us from seeing the clear, plain truth that Jesus, son of God, God himself, loves us.

We have full confirmation of it, it wasn't made to be a secret that only a select few can know about. It's obvious, it's plain to see - easy to read, simple to understand, difficult to truly grasp. If we really knew that Christ loved, loves, and will still love us when even our closest friends no longer love us, then we wouldn't be so dissatisfied with life.

When we come to understand how much God loves us, we can have immense joy and contentment, because living in light of this love is how we were intended to live.


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