Can we really talk about something personal without getting personal?

So I've been wrestling with whether or not I should even write about this for a while, but I eventually came to the conclusion that it's my blog. I can speak my mind and say what I want, respectfully or disrespectfully - it's all up to me which way I want it to sound. So here it is.

Lately there's been somewhat of an argument roaming around. And, at first, I found myself caught up in it too. I was trying to figure out which side I was on. I really tried understanding both sides, trying to stay neutral, trying to stay respectful, and eventually, my heart was settled and I stopped thinking about it - for a mere day until the topic just came up again.

I think what sucks is that this argument has become such a huge deal that it's causing more than it needs to. Is it really necessary that we take sides? Is it really necessary that we bring more people into it? I understand, letting other people know might be out of concern; but bringing people into it that don't really need to be is kind of uncalled for.

Yes, it's an important topic. Yes, it's debatable. But whether or not you're right won't change anything. If you have the basics right down pat, if you're completely oblivious to the topic that is being argued about, yet you have a genuine faith, what's the problem? Isn't there a point where we can all just agree to disagree?

I think I've come to the point where I don't have a stance, where I don't even want to think about what side I'm on because no matter what I'm going to be up against someone; and do I really want to compromise the unity I'm supposed to be a part of just for an argument that won't compromise my salvation?

From my perspective, whether you're right or wrong, it doesn't change anything but your pride. If you're wrong you feel defeated. If you're right you feel better about yourself. Either way, what does that change between you and God?

Maybe I'm being ignorant for not wanting to think about it. Or maybe I'm in denial and not facing important matters. But maybe I'd rather not know the answer. There's a humbling aspect to not knowing. It lets you (1) shut up, (2) avoid conflict, (3) be reminded that you can't know everything, (4) that God has complete authority, (5) trust God.

It's come to the point where it's becoming hurtful, where the thought of separatism is coming to the next generation's minds, a thought I never thought we'd have to deal with again. Have we really let it come this far?

I'd say that I just wish we could talk this out without getting personal, but it's completely a personal topic that only really matters between you and God. And frankly, this argument just became personal.


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