A modern-day psalm.

Lord, how much do I need you!

You remind me that only you can satisfy,
Only you are worth putting my hope and trust in.
I've said I wanted to pursue you first above all other things,
And you ensure that I stay true to my word
By breaking down my idols,
And reminding me of how unstable and weak they are
In light of your faithfulness.

How painful are the nights that my selfish desires and dreams are shattered,
When my immaturity is brought to light,
When my brokenness grows even deeper,
When my burdens seemingly become heavier,
When my eyes are filled with tears,
For your Spirit makes me realize where I went wrong.

In trusting my circumstances,
I drove myself into disappointment.
In trusting my heart,
I lead myself to despair.
In trusting all other things,
I am left in dreary confusion.

Yet, I thank you, Lord,
Because your love heals me,
You grace comforts me,
And you are my God and Father.

You are my rock when my circumstances fail,
You guard my heart because it is yours to begin with,
And when I ask, you remove all other things out of sight,
And shine your light so brightly that even the Sun is dim,
And only you are seen.

May I yearn to honour you,
Seek to please you,
And desire to be your obedient daughter
All of my days.

All glory, honour and praise be to the one
Who deserves so much more than all I can offer. Amen.


  1. I just think that sweetie (Last Comment) our faith isn't anything if we don't reach out, if we don't willingly sacrifice before the altar of God all of our problems and keep a mindful spirit in hope that God will answer our prayers...we should be friends on Facebook or sumthing, I don't understand how we're not . ~L


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