Heart vs Mind

The selfishness in my heart battles the selflessness of my brain 
You'd think it would be the other way around 
That my heart would be humble
That my mind would choose greed 
But let's be real here - that's not who I am 

No one ever wants to admit that their hearts are hard 
That their hearts are dark 
We're more willing to say that our minds are clouded with darkness
That our thoughts are the enemy 
And that it's in our hearts that lie our true selves 
But that's bs

People say that decision-making is a matter of heart over mind 
That would only make sense if our hearts were any more trustworthy than our fleeting minds 
Our hearts are inherently selfish 
We want what's best for us 
We want to be happy
We desire satisfaction 
It's our minds that wipe that rose-tint off of our heart's glasses 
You KNOW what you should do
You KNOW what's right
And yet your yearning heart controls you 
You give in to that desire 

In the end, does it even matter? (Thanks, Linkin Park)
Your BS-driven desires do not have to control you 
Your BS-driven thoughts do not have to control you 
It is from your heart that healthy thoughts sprout 
It is by a healthy mind that your heart thrives
Your mind both renews and is renewed 

When this happens simultaneously, your dead heart will beat for the very first time
What once was dead will come to life

So how do you get a beating heart?


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